December Daily-Pages

These are some of the pages for my December Daily. I used eight different shaped pages. Square with edge punched, pocket, tag, angled pocket, quarter circle, half oval, bracket,and square.
The book will be put together with 2.5" binder rings so that I have a lot of room to add embellishments, photos, and cards or programs from any events that we go to. I know I will be adding any of the Christmas photo cards that people mail to us. I love those cards. I also have a few of those chipboard cut shapes that I want to add in.
About the family: Cassie and I finally got all of Ben's furniture moved. His room looks great. He had two bookcase cubbies that didn't fit, so I will be using those in my scrapbook room, but we did manage to fit a toy box in there so his room should stay pretty clean. We also cleaned out the old room and I am going to be looking for a small futon so we can have a place to sit, and a place to sleep if we have a guest. Halloween was great. Ben was a duck on Saturday night, and a monkey on Sunday night. We had the family Harvest Party at Aunt Peggys house on Saturday morning. It was a busy weekend, but lots of fun.
And me: I am happy that I get to spend the next two months shopping. It is one of my favorite things to do. I love buying gifts but I don't love wrapping them. I am usually up all night on Christmas Eve wrapping tons of gifts because I put it off until the last minute. I am going to try not to do that this year. Maybe I will try wrapping one day each week and see if that works for me. Maybe I can make Wednesday wrapping day. Wrapping Wednesday, yup sounds good.
I am doing well on my diet. I have lost nine pounds. I did eat candy yesterday, but I am doing well with meal planning and adding veggies to my diet. I am getting a little exercise, but I will need to boost that up. So far I feel great. I don't feel hungry, and I don't feel like quitting.


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