
This morning when I was on the computer I went onto the Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog to see if they had anything new up. I saw the title "Congratulations to the newest Master Forgers" and said ok, I didn't get an email so it wasn't me. As I was reading the post I saw that it said that nobody was notified. I made it! I am so excited to be a part of this blog. It was a great thing to see this morning and I can't wait to get started. Oh Happy Day :)


Kim Strother said…
Congrats, welcome to the team!
Wasn't that the best way to get notified?! Congratulations!!
MiliPea Designs said…
Congratulations! Wasn't that a great surprise? I was so excited, I screamed and my husband thought our computer got hacked! LOL! Welcome to the team.
Jimjams said…
What great news - welcome to the team!
Congratulations! You must have been very surprised to read that blog post! I'm so happy for you!
Susanne said…
Congrats and welcome to the team. It is every bit as much fun as you would think!

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