Almost back to Me Time

This week has been busy. I painted Benjamin's room. We cleaned his carpet for the second time. Tonight we will move his furniture from his old room, which should be easy because the new room is right next to his old room. We will need to hang the decorations and buy curtains, but all of the hard work is done now.
We finally got the Halloween decorations out, late as usual. I need to be better about decorating early. I always plan to decorate for every holiday early and I always decorate just days before. When the girls were little we always decorated early, I don't know when that changed.
Tonight Fred and Cassie went to a haunted walk. I hate everything scary so I am home with Ben and Alexx. They have been gone for a while so I hope they are having fun.
I haven't had a chance to do any scrapbooking, but I have a cute little scrapbook that I picked up at Michaels yesterday and some embellishments that I am going to work on tomorrow if I get a few hours. Then I have my December daily. I have a ton of ideas for that book. Now all I need is just a little more time...


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