
Another layout made with my older scrapbook supplies. I made this layout for the Scrap that Baby blog prompt. It was all about itty bitty baby parts. Benjamin's wrists are one of my favorite baby parts. They are so cute and chubby. He looks like he has rubber bands around his wrists.
I used old K&Co papers and BG chipboard.

I really have other things that I should be doing instead of scrapbooking.
I need to clean up my scrapbook room. It doesn't take much time for it to get messy and I should start cleaning between each project. It should be easy, but I always seem to wait until my desk is covered and I can't work on it anymore.
I also need to help Cassie get Ben's new room primed and painted. He really needs to move into the new room so that he won't be disturbed by other people in the house. Cassie worked so hard to get his nursery ready when she was pregnant and it is such a cute little room. His new room is going to be the same size and use the same Precious Planet decorations and bedding, but instead of the lime green he has now it will be aqua. If we get around to finishing it...


Pam said…
How sweet! I miss those "rubber band wrists". Love your layout!:-)

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