
This has been a hectic week.

First Fred and Cassie were sick. Then Fred's mom had surgery on Friday.
Saturday Cassie and I went to the Ranger warehouse sale. We bought a five gallon bucket of goodies. Five gallons of stickles, dabbers, ink pads, embossing powders, pop dots, and re-inkers. Yes, we were happy with that. Oh, I can't forget the three display racks that we were given for free. They were slightly bent, but nothing that couldn't be easily fixed. We are going to watch for this sale again next year. After Ranger, we went to Philly to visit with Fred's mom, who was actually kept asleep for the weekend. She came home yesterday and will hopefully be doing better soon. She will have weeks of radiation, but hopefully no more surgery will be needed.

Yesterday I started with a sore throat. Today I feel horrible, head cold, stomach ache, sore throat. Yuck. Hopefully I will get well as quickly as Fred and Cassie did earlier in the week. I haven't kept up with anything that I wanted to do this week.

An extra big thank you to Pam at obeservations of an ordinary life for my Blog award. I like Pam's blog because it has great pictures and inspiration. I will pass it on when I am feeling better.


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