Our relaxing day

This is my layout for the dt call at Scrapbookers Anonymous. It was fairly quick to do and I like the way it turned out. I used my smooch spritz on the palm trees and cardstock. The little flags are made from some old MS ribbon. You had to use three or more old papers from three different manufacturers. For something new I used one of the journal spots from BG.

Today Benjamin and I slept a little late. We didn't go to story time at the library like we had planned to. When we picked up Cassie at school, we stopped at a few stores and then put a roast in the crock pot for dinner. That makes for a day without stress and too much rushing around. We will be able to sit around and enjoy our evening without having to do much of anything. Yup, this is the good life.


Steph said…
Cute layout. I am a big crockpot fan too. It is great for stress free dinners.

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