September Counterfeit Kits

This month at the Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog they are counterfeiting a kit from Sweet Peach Crop Shop. This was the first time I had heard of their kits. They are nice (and cheap).

I love their Sweet kit this month. It is full of Sassafras goodness. I was so excited that I had a lot of the original kit contents to build from. I only had one sheet of each paper so I added in six sheets from my stash. I also added some of the Sassafras alphas and label stickers that I had here to match the kit. Their kit had rub on stitches so I added a pack of rub-ons.

Their Juicy kit was full of black, green, red, and yellow. I didn't have a single paper from their kit so I got to do a lot of shopping in my stash to fill up my kit. I tried to stick to the colors and prints as much as possible. It was a little struggle to find exactly what I was looking for but I am happy with the kit. I think I may make a mini about a weekend trip I took with one of my daughters with this kit. 

And here is my birthday kit. I picked four papers from a MAMBI paper pad that I had bought at Michaels for $4. It was an impulse buy for sure because I rarely scrap birthday pictures. They tend to sit in a box. I am not sure why that is, but this will be at least one birthday scrapped. 

Thanks for looking. I hope to be back soon with some finished pages to show you.


Jimjams said…
Great kits - I'm always pleased if I can grab something from the original papers to base the kit on - quicker to counterfeit that way! Have fun this month!
Great kits! I went back to an old pad of paper for a kit this time, too.

What's the red plaid paper in your juicy kit? It looks like the Scotch tape plaid, it's pretty!
Emily said…
I love your kits! Each one has some very cool papers. Can't wait to see what you do with them all.
Jen Cro said…
The plaid paper is October Afternoon, Road Map, Sundowner Motel. It has a nice white with red print ledger paper on the flip side.
Kim Strother said…
You sure did have alot from the origional kit, lucky you! Have fun creating!
Lisa said…
I'm envious that you had some of the Sassafras papers :-) I love them but didn't have a single one! You kits look great and I love the birthday kit you've put together. I might try to make one up myself.
Susanne said…
You've pulled some great stuff together - I hope you have a very productive month of scrapping.
Crystal said…
Great job! I am so drooling over all the kits this month, I want to create, cant wait to see what you do!
Anonymous said…
I'm envious of the Sassafras papers too! Great kits and I'm like you in that I rarely scrap birthdays - maybe this will be the push I need aswell
redmom said…
I think your little shopping adventure through your stash payed off beautifully!!
Margie said…
Your kits turned out wonderfully!! You did a great job "shopping your stash"- your Juicy kit is dead on!
MiliPea Designs said…
Great kits. Looking forward to seeing that mini album!
Clair said…
Fantastic looking kits and some luscious layouts already (I say already because I'm in denial about how September is rushing by!) Looking forward to the photos from Niagra - best hope there's lots of lovely blues in next month's Counterfeit Kit :)

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