Mini Challenge 1- Counterfeit Kit

I used the sketch to make this card for my MIL for Mother's Day. I used scraps from my kit to make the card. I added the brown flower from my stash and the Ms are actually Ws from the Thickers in my kit. I don't want to be stuck without an M later and MIL won't know the difference.

Thanks for looking :)


I think pink and brown are one of the best color combos out there, nice job!
Kim Strother said…
Your MIL will love it! Great card!
Tricia said…
They look like 'm's' to me. Pretty card!
Jennifer Shaw said…
Great use of the alphas!! Love the tag as the base! :)
Susanne said…
It's funny that you used W's because for some reason in my head when I saw the card, I immediately thought about using WoW MoM for a greeting on a card. Those M's must have looked like W's to me.
Great idea! I wouldn't have even known they were W's either!!!! xoxo
Maria Ontiveros said…
Love it! I think that is such a versatile sketch.
ms.schwiet said…
Very smart using the flower as the letter "o"
Emily said…
Very pretty! I like the way you tore the paper.

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