My Sassafras Mystery Box
I decided to buy one of the Sassafras mystery boxes last week when I saw that they were available. It was listed as $215 value for $49 including shipping. I was slightly hesitant because I had ordered a mystery box from another company and the value wasn't what I expected. I had no need to worry. My Sassafras box came and I was happy from the minute I picked up the box. It was HEAVY! When I opened it I was even happier. There were so many great things in my box.
There were eight alphabets, four glitter and four regular. Four packs of felties and three packs of vintage blooms.
There were two packs of entwined blooms and nine packs of in a stitch blossoms.
There were three 6x6 wee bundles and ten packs of paper whimsies.
Five nerdy bird papers, journal tags, flag borders, and cardstock stickers.